Monday, July 6, 2015

WDC does a fine job!!

Thanks to Winnegamie Dog Club for hosting another great Barn Hunt trial. As always it was a fun weekend!

Winnegamie Dog Club's photo.

Congratulations to all the dogs and handlers who competed at this weekend's WDC Barn Hunt trial. We had 4 teams earn RATCH and RATCHX titles, including club members Amy Hanneman, Eric Madsen, and Laurel Stone. Here is the link to the rest of this weekend's photos:…/2015BarnHuntTrial

LET THEM EAT CAKE. Four RATCH winning teams at the Winnegamie Dog Club Barn Hunt Trials in Menasha, WI had their cake and ate it, too: RATCH SUNNY, RATCHX7 Shirley, RATCHX Abby, and RATCHX3 Jake. The "RATCH" cake has become a tradition at Winnegamie Dog Club afterEric Madsen brought the idea here.

Brenda Coffield's photo.

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