Barn Hunt ROCKS!
Who would have thought that an 80 pound German Shepherd would place 2nd in 2 novice trials on Saturday earning a NOVICE title and then finish 2nd and 3rd on Sunday in the OPEN level earning 2 legs towards that title!
Click here to read the first post that explains the new sport called Barn Hunt!

Saturday - Trial 1 – Novice - Krista Williams (judge) 21.58 seconds – Pass - 2nd place
Saturday - Trial 2 – Novice - Krista Williams (judge) 24.38 seconds – Pass – 2nd place
Total time allowed for novice is 2 minutes. He missed 1st place each trial by 1 second.
Sunday - Trial 1 – Open - Krista Williams (judge) 66.84 seconds – Pass – 2nd place
Sunday - Trial 2 – Open - Krista Williams (judge) 64.40 seconds – Pass – 3rd place
Total time allowed for OPEN is 2 minutes 30 seconds.
I posted on Facebook and below are “likes” and comments!
Candace Shaffer, Rolando Arthus Salvador, Tracy Jennerjohn and 52 others like this.
Nancy Nestler Go Jake! What an intersting sport!
Laurel Stone Nancy - it's just plain fun! In novice there are 3 tubes (rat/rat litter/nothing) hidden in the straw and the dog must find the one with the rat and indicate it so the handler calls it. if the handler calls the wrong one, it's over. Dogs have to go through a tunnel made from bales 18" wide and 22" high which determines whether or not dogs can participate. They also have to climb on a bale and if they find the rat before the climb or tunnel they have to go back and do it. Novice time is 2 minutes. When Jake did it Saturday, his times were 21 and 23 seconds and was ONE second behind the winning dog. In open there are 2 rats and one is hidden high with more time and in the higher levels there could be 5 rats but you're not told how many with bales stacked 3 high and several tunnels. Oh and they run naked (no collar) so holding Jake in the start box while handing off my leash without holding his scruff is probably the hardest part for me because he is SO excited.
Connie Bachhuber Jake is a natural. And thank you for being so willing to work. Gate Steward is not an easy job.
Marilyn Tokach What goof! He looks so proud of himself... but in a laid back, "yea, I did it... what's the big deal?" sort of a way.
Laurel Stone Connie.. you're too nice.. gate steward is the easiest job and you get to watch the dogs! Marilyn, He is a goof as we know. When he finds the last rat I have him bring the tube to me and he sits in front of me in a perfect retrieve position and releases it when I say out!
Sandra Hoesel Are you coming to the Rock Road Barn Hunt Oct 26th & 27th? Jake has that "I wanna go to another Barn Hunt" look in his eye! Congrats on all those pretty ribbons!
Laurel Stone Yes ma'am, I'm coming over to your place Sandra Hoesel! At least my entry is in an envelope with the others at Gail Donaldson's! Who knew he'd be so naturally good! If we don't pass any it will clearly be my fault (don't pat the straw Laurel, don't hold him by the scruff Laurel, don't shout Laurel.. you get the picture! :):))
Who would have thought it?? BARN HUNT….finding rats in a tube …
more exciting than bitework!!!
GO Jake!!!!