Thursday, February 9, 2017

2016 Accomplishments!!

Dog Owner Date Class Time Placement High in Class Location
Jake Laurel Stone 2016-05-06 Master 1 min. 57 sec. 1 yes Sheboygan
Jake Laurel Stone 2016-05-08 Master 2 min. 31 sec. 3 ------ Sheboygan
Jake Laurel Stone 2016-05-08 Master 1 min. 53 sec. 3 ------ Sheboygan
Jake Laurel Stone 2016-08-14 Master 2 min. 30 sec. 3 ------ Sheboygan
Jake Laurel Stone 2016-09-18 Master 2 min. 20 sec. 2 ------ Wausau
SUMMARY for Barn Hunt: Finished RATCHX4 title w/5 legs w/3-3rd places, 1-2nd place and 1-1st place w/a High in Class
Dog Owner Date Venue Class Jump Placement Location
Jake Laurel Stone 2016-06-10 Pier Pups Open 13'3" 2 Fond du Lac
Jake Laurel Stone 2016-06-10 Pier Pups Open 15' 2 Fond du Lac
Jake Laurel Stone 2016-04-16 Dock Dogs Speed Retrieve 10.945 sec 3 Oshkosh Suburu
Jake Laurel Stone 2015-08-04 Dock Dogs Speed Retrieve 9.673 sec. 5 Oshkosh Co. Fair
Jake Laurel Stone 2015-08-20 Dock Dogs Speed Retrieve 11.014 sec. 3 Appleton Scheels
SUMMARY for dock jumping: Finished SPEED RETRIEVE (DockDogs) title w/3 legs w/2-3rd and 1-5th place. Also, with Pier Pups, 2 long jumps (13'3"/15') w/2-2nd places.
Dog Owner Date Title Class Venue Placement Location
Jake Laurel Stone 2016-09-10 PTN Pre-Trial Novice (Birch) UKC n/a Stevens Point
Jake Laurel Stone 2016-09-10 PTA Pre-Trial Advanced (Anise) UKC n/a Stevens Point
Jake Laurel Stone 2016-09-10 PTS Pre-Trial Superior (Clove) UKC n/a Stevens Point
Jake Laurel Stone 2016-09-10 NC Novice Container UKC 1st and 3rd Stevens Point
Jake Laurel Stone 2016-09-10 NI Novice Interior UKC 1st and 3rd Stevens Point
Jake Laurel Stone 2016-09-10 NV Novice Vehicle UKC 3rd and 3rd Stevens Point
Jake Laurel Stone 2016-09-11 AI Advance Interior UKC 1st and 3rd Stevens Point
Jake Laurel Stone 2016-09-11 AV Advanced Vehicle UKC 3rd and 4th Stevens Point
Jake Laurel Stone 2016-10-01 PTA Pre-Trial Master (Myrrh) UKC n/a Wausau
Jake Laurel Stone 2016-10-01 PTS Pre-Trial Elite (Vetiver) UKC n/a Wausau
Jake Laurel Stone 2016-10-01 AC Advanced Container UKC 2nd and 3rd Wausau
Jake Laurel Stone 2016-10-02 NE Novice Exterior UKC 1st and 1st Wausau
Jake Laurel Stone 2016-10-02 NN NOVICE NOSEWORK UKC total of 8 legs Wausau
Jake Laurel Stone 2016-10-02 SV Superior Vehicle UKC 2nd and 2nd Wausau
Jake Laurel Stone 2016-10-02 SI Superior Interior UKC 1st and 1st Wausau
SUMMARY for UKC Nosework: 5 PTs (birch, anise,clove, myrrh and vetiver), 9 Element titles (18 legs, NOVICE Container, Interior, Vehicle, Exterior, ADVANCED Interior, Vehicle, Container, SUPERIOR Vehicle, Interior - 7-1st place, 3-2nd place, 7-3rd place and 1-4th place), NOVICE NOSEWORK title (8 of legs previously mentioned)