Thursday, December 14, 2017
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Relearning the dock!

Sunday, October 15, 2017
Agility! Who’d a thought it?
A little hard to see but there are hoops, weave poles, jumps, a tunnel and some barrels and cones. this is my yard. In July, Jake and I were introduced to NADAC agility and I realized that I could learn to direct Jake around the course and not run! Sounded good to me! We started taking lessons with Jeff at K9 Corp Agility. He was a great student and excelled in lessons but then we did a few trials until he realized he was pretty much on his own and could get away with stuff such as greeting the helpers and doing the course in the order HE chooses! SO, we focused on training and having fun! Not that he didn’t have FUN at the trials because he sure did!
Here we are at training. And check out the videos by clicking here.
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
More UKC Nosework!
Oct 9th Jake participated in more UKC Nosework and received his ELITE CONTAINERS title with a 1st Place and High in Class award. He also achieved his MASTER EXTERIOR title in the pouring rain with wind again placing 1st and finishing his MASTER overall title. Not bad for a morning's sniffing!!
He now is two EXTERIOR legs short of his overall ELITE title but that will have to wait until spring when there are again UKC trials within my 90 minute travel radius! :)
I couldn't be prouder of this fun, goofy, driven guy who is sharing my life and opening up my eyes to all that can be accomplished with dedication and consistent training! Next up - looking forward to AKC Scent Work next year and are diligently practicing BURIED HIDES whenever we can!
Certificates arrived recently! 2017 final levels for Jake in UKC Nosework! So proud of this guy! Thank you to the Central WI Dog Sport Club and the Working Dogs of North Central WI club for hosting trials. Without these clubs and their dedicated members, these achievements would not have been possible!
Sunday, August 20, 2017
UKC Handler Discrimination

(Click photo for video)
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Dock Dogs and a First Place in Finals!
August 4, 2017
Jake jumping with Dock Dogs at the Winnebago County fair this week. Looking forward to bringing him back for Speed Retrieve on Sunday! He has such fun!! Thanks Laura for taking the video!!
August 6,2017
O.M.G. To follow up the video I posted of Jake jumping with DockDogs on Wednesday. We went back to the Fair yesterday to jump in a Big Air wave and Jake jumped 11'11". He has jumped shorter jumps each year from a personal best of 16'6" (he is going to be 8 after all!). I was fine with that but the announcer said that's his lucky number. Well, today we went back to do Speed Retrieve (jumping in and swimming fast to the end to get a bumper) which he loves to do. As I was thinking of leaving, I was asked if Jake was going to stay for the finals because HE QUALIFIED IN THE UNDER 12 FOOT CATEGORY with his 11'11" jump! So, of course we stayed and then he jumped 13'6" to take FIRST PLACE! And the icing on the cake is that when you take first, DockDogs puts $100 in your account to be used for future jumps!! Finally, he is paying his way! I couldn't be prouder of this crazy dog!!
Sunday, May 14, 2017
More UKC Titles
Jake and I were on a 13 hour adventure to a UKC Nosework trial and he did me proud again going 4/4 with 3-1st places, 1-2nd place and 2 High in Trials! He also got titles for Advanced Exteriors, Superior Containers and Advance Nosework. What a guy! Thanks to the judges Sharon Jonas and Joanne Soyke and the hardworking members of the Working Dogs of NC WI club! Halfway through the day he got to hunt rats at the Barn Hunt nearby and located 6 of them in 2 minutes! Looking forward to seeing everyone again tomorrow!
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Back on the dock!
Jake was back on the dock this morning! And he was over-the-top excited! Oh, wait, he's always over-the-top excited when he's jumping in the water! He is supposed to stay down and his cue to leave is my arm swinging back. (He thought of that himself!)
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Jake’s C-WAGS Level 4 Run
Jake's rocket run of 1 min. 26 sec. (5 min. allowed) in Level 4 of C-WAGS Scent Detective games. He had to find 4 odors (birch, clove, cypress, lemongrass) in an area of about 1200 sq. Jake thanks you Renea L Dahms of Pawsitively Unleashed in Stevens Point for bringing these fun NOSEWORK games to Central WI! :)
Thursday, February 9, 2017
2016 Accomplishments!!
BARN HUNT | |||||||
Dog | Owner | Date | Class | Time | Placement | High in Class | Location |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2016-05-06 | Master | 1 min. 57 sec. | 1 | yes | Sheboygan |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2016-05-08 | Master | 2 min. 31 sec. | 3 | ------ | Sheboygan |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2016-05-08 | Master | 1 min. 53 sec. | 3 | ------ | Sheboygan |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2016-08-14 | Master | 2 min. 30 sec. | 3 | ------ | Sheboygan |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2016-09-18 | Master | 2 min. 20 sec. | 2 | ------ | Wausau |
SUMMARY for Barn Hunt: Finished RATCHX4 title w/5 legs w/3-3rd places, 1-2nd place and 1-1st place w/a High in Class | |||||||
DOCK JUMPING | |||||||
Dog | Owner | Date | Venue | Class | Jump | Placement | Location |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2016-06-10 | Pier Pups | Open | 13'3" | 2 | Fond du Lac |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2016-06-10 | Pier Pups | Open | 15' | 2 | Fond du Lac |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2016-04-16 | Dock Dogs | Speed Retrieve | 10.945 sec | 3 | Oshkosh Suburu |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2015-08-04 | Dock Dogs | Speed Retrieve | 9.673 sec. | 5 | Oshkosh Co. Fair |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2015-08-20 | Dock Dogs | Speed Retrieve | 11.014 sec. | 3 | Appleton Scheels |
SUMMARY for dock jumping: Finished SPEED RETRIEVE (DockDogs) title w/3 legs w/2-3rd and 1-5th place. Also, with Pier Pups, 2 long jumps (13'3"/15') w/2-2nd places. | |||||||
NOSEWORK | |||||||
Dog | Owner | Date | Title | Class | Venue | Placement | Location |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2016-09-10 | PTN | Pre-Trial Novice (Birch) | UKC | n/a | Stevens Point |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2016-09-10 | PTA | Pre-Trial Advanced (Anise) | UKC | n/a | Stevens Point |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2016-09-10 | PTS | Pre-Trial Superior (Clove) | UKC | n/a | Stevens Point |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2016-09-10 | NC | Novice Container | UKC | 1st and 3rd | Stevens Point |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2016-09-10 | NI | Novice Interior | UKC | 1st and 3rd | Stevens Point |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2016-09-10 | NV | Novice Vehicle | UKC | 3rd and 3rd | Stevens Point |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2016-09-11 | AI | Advance Interior | UKC | 1st and 3rd | Stevens Point |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2016-09-11 | AV | Advanced Vehicle | UKC | 3rd and 4th | Stevens Point |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2016-10-01 | PTA | Pre-Trial Master (Myrrh) | UKC | n/a | Wausau |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2016-10-01 | PTS | Pre-Trial Elite (Vetiver) | UKC | n/a | Wausau |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2016-10-01 | AC | Advanced Container | UKC | 2nd and 3rd | Wausau |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2016-10-02 | NE | Novice Exterior | UKC | 1st and 1st | Wausau |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2016-10-02 | NN | NOVICE NOSEWORK | UKC | total of 8 legs | Wausau |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2016-10-02 | SV | Superior Vehicle | UKC | 2nd and 2nd | Wausau |
Jake | Laurel Stone | 2016-10-02 | SI | Superior Interior | UKC | 1st and 1st | Wausau |
SUMMARY for UKC Nosework: 5 PTs (birch, anise,clove, myrrh and vetiver), 9 Element titles (18 legs, NOVICE Container, Interior, Vehicle, Exterior, ADVANCED Interior, Vehicle, Container, SUPERIOR Vehicle, Interior - 7-1st place, 3-2nd place, 7-3rd place and 1-4th place), NOVICE NOSEWORK title (8 of legs previously mentioned) |