This post was a memory from 3 years ago and Facebook showed it to me today. It is of Jake as the Demo Dog at the Cream Cities trial in the Milwaukee area which was the same trial Mookie today made his entry into AKC Scentwork competition. Seems to me it was the passing of the torch from Jake to the Mookster! 

Jake was the Demo Dog for Interior and Exterior, Excellent and Master last weekend. I'm so grateful that I was able to have some of those runs on video. Here is an Excellent Exterior run, then a Master Exterior and then 2 Master Interior runs (3 rooms each, some empty). Thank you Bonnie Gutzwiler for being such a super judge in these and other Demo Dog runs we've done in the past AND the Detective runs we did under you a year ago. And thanks to the wonderful organizers of the Cream Cities trial in the Milwaukee, WI area - it was a great location to hold a trial!